Saturday, November 1, 2008

Another Saturday. . .another race

Race number 45; 5 more to go before I reach my goal of 50 this year and I took second in my age group. Club President Rich Ruozzi took third in his group, as I recall, and member Joe Rudman placed first in his age group. It 30 degrees when I left home, right at the edge for me. The elephant on my chest stayed with me till the end of about mile one. "Concentrate. Breathe," was my mantra. The pain eased but never went away. During that race I also hit my 700th mile for the year -- the highest mileage in a year since I began running in 2003.

According to an e-mail I just received, I took first in my age group at the Breast Cancer race. Mom's wedding anniversary would have been yesterday; her funeral was a week ago on the 8th.

1 comment:

steve said...

You are amazing Sis! I can't imagine running 45 races in a year!I am closing in on 700 miles myself (a staggering amount). Thanks for reminding me on how to best pray for you this time of year. May God grant you extra grace and peace.