Friday, November 21, 2008

To Run or Not to Run. . .that was the question

Somewhere between 25 and 30 degrees with windchill factors taken into consideration I can't run outside safely.  My lungs freeze up and I can't breathe.  This morning the windchill was 27 -- 32 degrees with wind.  I had awakened at 3:30 a.m. with lungs hurting.  So I was particularly concerned about heading out.  
But I didn't run yesterday, so I headed out anyway after a couple precautionary hits on my inhaler and some coaching from my running partner.  We decided to run to the hardware store after a two-lap detour at the park.  Having a destination run helped.  I'd actually have been colder had I driven to the store as it's only a half mile there and back, so my car wouldn't have warmed up before I got to the store.  So better to run there than drive, and once I was out, it wasn't so bad.  
The sun was warm on the pavement, but the wind bit my cheeks.  I concentrated hard on breathing in through my nose, warming up the air before it hit my lungs.  We got to the park and ran two laps, mostly protected by trees there.  Soon I was sweating, and took my sock-mittens off.  The wind still nipped at my cheeks, but my lungs were okay.  Actual oxygen levels though were low; I had to walk a couple times on the hills.  
At the store, we picked up plastic for my windows and mouse traps -- eviction procedings for Butch's latest roomate. 

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