Monday, November 10, 2008

SVTC Crazies Run Back to Back Races

I slogged through the 116th Infantry race in Staunton Saturday morning at 8 a.m. Butch, Jeff Campbell, George Gillies, Rich Ruozzi, Joe Rudman -- so good to have so many of the regulars there. It ws long sleeved, tights race, but not bad at all. I finished somewhere around 28:08, and Butch at 27:58.

From there we changed into dry shirts and rushed to Bridgewater, where we warmed up bones that had gotten cold already during the 20 minute drive. After registering and a slow warm-up, we took off again. This time I ran 30:30 -- even slower. Joe, too, did a double; so there were three SVTC "crazies", as our president called us, who ran back to backs Saturday.

1 comment:

steve said...

Looks like a pair of 5K's so you actually did a 10K (in under an hour :-) And it was cold enough for long sleeves... yea, that was crazy!! I would have loved that!! Slog on guys!!