Thursday, April 3, 2008

Two Weeks Two Days to Go . . .

I thought tonight would be a speed workout, but it was cold (by VA standards, anyway -- about 45 degrees) and raining. My ears and hands were cold; I needed my ear warmers or stocking hat, not just my cap, and my gloves. It's been a couple weeks since I've run that way, so I didn't even think to add them.

I ended up with an easy 4 miles (11 minute mile pace). As I thought about it, that was plenty. After two 5Ks last weekend, and a hard 5 mile run with the Club on Tuesday, an easy run seemed the wisest course, especially as my fatigue level didn't ease as it sometimes does once I get started. And I do want to run 13 miles on Saturday.

Ten weeks of training have nearly passed, and the big day is almost here. My original plan was just to do it. That evolved into looking forward to my second real-time race with my virtual running partner. And now I want to finish well, to honor my buddy Butch for all the courses he's mapped out according to my mileage goals, for coaching me along and even running a lot of miles alongside. Not to make him proud exactly, but just to say thanks and make him feel like the effort was worth it -- not necessarily because he needs that, but I do.

I need to say thanks -- to God for healing me so I can run, to my first running Coach who taught me to run and ran me back to faith, to my virtual and real-time running partners who are so encouraging, and to my family and friends who have always been there for me and who never stopped believing in me. And the best way I can think of to show my thanks would be to finish well. Even if that does not happen, however, it's okay, as I know I have trained as best I can. The actual finish pace will reflect that I am sure, but it will also reflect several other factors outside of my control. And that's okay, too. I know those who have invested themselves in my behalf will still love me, still invest in me, no matter what the end result. Any disappointment felt will be with me, not in me. That's just who they are.

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