Saturday, July 4, 2009

Run/Hike up Knob Hill

Went for Tuesday's club run and there was just Rich waiting for us. He thought he'd prefer a trail run over a trail on hot Harrisonburg streets. Having no clue what I was getting into, I said, "Sure." And Butch and I piled into his van and rode for about 35 minutes on 33 to the Virginia/West Virginia border.
We hopped out of the car, scrambled down some rocks and met our trail -- about as wide in most places as my two feet side by side, and strewn with loose rocks and tree roots. They took off and I tried my best to keep up, but I ended up fast hiking part of the way instead of running the 1.5 miles up the mountain. The view at the top though was worth the effort; I never get tired of the mountains. Had I known where we were going I'd have found a way to bring my camera. But you'll have to use your imagine.
After a few minutes break to sightsee, we scrambled back down -- total running time = 45 minuts.

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