Thursday, February 19, 2009

Tuesday's 10-Miler

We ran in temps in the mid-40s Tuesday on the same route we've been running.  Mentally I was ready to run--finally! (I've been feeling burned out or something). 
Three blasts from an air gun around the 3/4 point created an sudden increase in speed in me, action not missed by my real-time running buddy. 
"Know what that was?" Butch asked.
I did. . .and a few steps later noticed a road sign splattered with dents, as from a B-B or air gun and a posted sign on the back of it warning about damaging property being a criminal act.  Couldn't help but wonder if the two were connected.
A cool breeze at the end made us both cold. Except for a few minutes of cold, this run felt much better than the last couple.  Now it's the taper to the half a week from Sunday. I'd feel a lot better had I run 13 miles first, but I know I can do it. I ran a half marathon in January in the West Virginia Cold; 13 in Florida on flat land can't be too bad.

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