Monday, September 15, 2008

Mile by mile. . .

If I had run the miles I've run in a continuous east to west direction across the United States, I'd be about 2/3 of the way to the west coast by now. I reached my 2000th mile in August. That's not much per year according to running standards, but it does illustrate a point about "steady plodding." Goals can be reached with a steady, disciplined effort; and, if necessary, goal revision and flexibility.

2003 - 22 miles (my first year as a "runner")
2004 - 612 miles
2005 - 391 (Near the end of the year I bounced down the side of a cliff and fell into an icy creek, a discouraging setback -- but nothing that could not be overcome. Thanks to the help of a trainer at the Canandaigua Y, and a re-vamped training program, I DID get back to running after a haitius with an elliptical machine and cycling)
2006 - 214.5 (still recovering)
2007 - 431 (All but 88 of these miles were in the last half of the year because of another setback -- a move to hilly Virginia, where I had to lower mileage till my body learned how to run hills)
2008 -- as of 8/31 - 560 miles

Grand total - 2,230 miles

If I stay well and injury free, this year will be the year of my highest mileage. It has been the year of my fastest times, and the year with the most races (39 so far).

1 comment:

steve said...

Hey that's pretty awesome Sis!! Keep slogging on!!