Monday, September 29, 2008

23 mile week. . .

It's fall, and that means the temps are a bit cooler and the humidity lessened. And it's time to train for longer races again. The little girls stayed over Saturday night. After their baths I carefully curled their hair in tiny rollers. Magdalena's normally straight hair was a mass of tight curls in a halo around her head. Eliza had opted for a bit larger rollers, and hers was more wavy -- it's also longer so the weight pulled it a bit. I grabbed a skinny hot curling iron, and curled it tighter, as she so liked Maggie's hair and wanted hers more like that. When Mom and Dad came to pick them up for church, I took pony tailers and made "waterfalls" of the top section. They looked so cute! Eliza had this long banana curl going up through and down one side of her pony tailer. Magdalena's ended up being a curl popping out the top. So they went home happy -- having, the day before, done some sprints with Gramma, gone shopping for some art supplies, and spent an evening drawing, eating, and chilling out before crashing on blankets on the living room floor.

Nonetheless between the slumber party with the grandchildren and a race on Saturday, I was pretty tired when Butch and I headed out about 3:30 p.m. for an 8 mile training run. It couldn't wait till today because I have appointments all day. We weren't fast, but we did it. That 8- mile-run ended a 23-mile week -- the highest mileage week since the Dam to Dam in Des Moines on Memorial Day weekend.

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