Thursday, May 7, 2009

Wet Shoes

Four pairs of wet running shoes are lined up in a row on a rug in my living room. It's been raining for days obviously and the shoes just aren't drying after escapades through water and mud puddles. Today, since the wind wasn't blowing for a change, we opted for a road run instead of the usual run through the trail in the park. I felt a few sprinkles, but by and large stayed dry -- except for my feet in their still-wet shoes.  

We slogged over squashed earthroom, slugs and even a frog; there were too many to be able to avoid them all. The downpour last night must have brought the critters in a crazy blitz to their demise. 

Though t-storms are predicted during the weekend, at this precise moment the sun is actually shining so I will soon head over to the church to play in the flower garden a spell.  

1 comment:

steve said...

Just wondering how the "relocated" rocks are doing? Do they get homesick?