Monday, May 18, 2009

Batesville Day 10K

My lungs, I discovered Saturday, are not yet up to pre-pneumonia health. I tried to run the Batesville Day 10K, which is basically a three-mile run up a mountain and then back down again. Mile one was at my pre-pneumonia pace, but after that I had to walk up nearly every hill. My finishing time was about five minutes slower than last year ; my time was 63 minutes. I was extremely disappointed, although my head knows I should just be thankful I completed the race at all. The doctor said this was the traditional pneumonia that used to put people in the hospital for four to six weeks, and that it will take a while to recover completely. I still placed, coming in third in my age group. Last year I was second.

Good friend Sharon Balint took the second place ribbon, after cycling a century the week before and occuring a nasty saddle sore. So I was very proud of her.

Butch ran Batesville faster than he did last year. And he, too, placed in his age group and brought home a second place ribbon. And that feat was something we were both ecstatic about.

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