Thursday, January 15, 2009

Wind-chilled Run

Had my running buddy not reminded me of what we've gained training-wise and of upcoming races, I'd have stayed inside today and jumped rope.  It was 25 degrees outside with a windchill of 7.  I put on two long-sleeved tees (one a tech tee), a short sleeved tee, and a fleece pullover; and tights under nylon wind pants.  I also wore my ski mask over my nose and mouth, two pairs of socks, and a pair of gloves.  The first half mile was the worst, with gusts of wind knocking me around and slapping cold air in my face.  

We opted for the park as it's somewhat sheltered.  In the sunny spots, I was actually a bit warm; but that soon changed whenever another gust of wind blasted through.  

We ran slow, but we did it.  And that's the coldest weather I've run in, so I guess that means I set some sort of PR. 


steve said...

Whoo-hoo!! Way to go guys!! Slog on!!

farmerswifederbymom said...

Wow, you're brave. LOL. I whine when I have to go out when it's even warmer. LOL.