Snow began falling about 4:30 p.m. Friday night. Finally sometime between Saturday and Sunday, after 18 inches had fallen, the snow stopped. Butch and I shoveled snow a lot of the day Sunday and helped a couple neighbors and him get out. My car, being much farther from the road, was much harder; I think we shoveled a path that would have gotten it out but I'm not sure and left it sit.
Yesterday we did a couple errands by foot and walked all over Broadway; we called that exercise as we couldn't run on the snow/slushy roads or snow covered sidewalks and track.
But today I had an appointment in Harrisonburg and actually got the car out! Just knowing I can come and go again is such a relief. While in Harrisonburg we went to the track at EMU and got in a good hard run. Left at 9:00 a.m.; besides my appointment, running, picking up some groceries, and a couple other errands, I got home at 2 p.m.
Butch has an appointment in Harrisonburg, so we plan to run at EMU one more time before the university is locked down for the holiday. After that I'm hoping we can run outside again.
I sure hope this isn't a sign of the Virginia winter to come.
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