We walked through about half a dozen "rooms" that encompassed the FDR memorial. Each one had a water feature, and though they were beautiful and relaxing, I chose not to post them because of lack of space on this blog.

I chose instead to post some of FDR's quotes and this depiction of the soup lines. I fear that, in this country, an "I've got mine and I'm not going to share" attitide is taking over. News reports and statistics show that the middle class is shrinking as corporate executives draw their million- and billion-dollar salaries, but refuse to pass on raises to those who keep their corporations going. We're afraid to remove tax incentives for large corporations because we're afraid prices will soar (of course, if they did, we could at least exercise the right not to buy, and thus not to support those corporations, right?). The cost of living has been rising at nearly a 6% rate for years, but salaries have not. In reality, therefore, workers are receiving annual decreases in wages as buying power decreases. And then there's the issue of health insurance. Many who have health insurance are largely underinsured, as their 80-20 plans aren't enough to cover a major illness or their plans dictate the use of doctors who are ill equipped to meet their patients' needs.

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