The project began when the little girls found wigs at the Dollar Store, and convinced Grammie to buy them. Then on each visit after, the little girls have gone through my closet and drawers looking for the right combination of clothes and accessories by which they could make their disguise. They also combed through my make-up bag for coordinating make-up. Lists had to be made so that nothing would be forgotten when the time came for them to change selves. Eliza decided the best time for her and her sister to disappear, and for their alter egos to appear was on Eliza's birthday. And so they arrived at my apartment, because Anna Maria's oven was out. While Anna Maria was busy slaving away in my kitchen, I was in my room helping the little girls "disappear." When all was ready on our end, I went out and told AM and Steven, "I'm not sure what to do. I've looked everywhere, but I can't find the girls. They said they were going to work on a project in my room, but. . ."
And just then Rosaleah and Leah appeared. . .
"Wow! you look like princesses. Is that by chance what you are? And where are you from?" Anna Maria asked.
Steven, camera at the ready of course, was quickly snapping photos of the strangers, who didn't give their names until they had been asked several times. Rosaleah (above) didn't talk a whole lot about life on Mercury, but did mention that the hair she wore on Earth made it a bit hard to see.
Leah (above & below), however, explained in a very high pitched throaty voice that she was a friend of Eliza's and asked that we wish her a happy birthday. Unfortunately she wouldn't be able to stay for Eliza's birthday party. She asked for a piece of ice as that would have the texture closest to the asteroid that she ate on Mercury. Every year she said they would find an asteroid and eat off that. "One asteroid lasts us a whole year." They also nibble from the moon. She said it was pretty hot up there on Mercury as well. Oh. . .and they don't walk on Mercury. Instead they fly from place to place.
And then, nearly as quickly as they appeared, Leah suddenly announced. "Well, I'm very sorry, but I really must go." And they disappeared. Shortly thereafter Eliza and Magdalena returned from their "hiding place." Anna Maria told them about Leah and Rosaleah's visit, and Eliza announced that she had already bumped into the girls.
So ends the tale of "Mom's from Mars; we're from Mercury."