Anna Maria knows my philosophy about home as a gathering place, so she had no qualms about asking if a friend could use my apartment for recording, as it would be quieter here than at her house with her and the girls there. I gladly said yes, but also asked that she please let him know that I hadn't unpacked things yet and to be sure the clutter wouldn't bother him. And I asked her to turn up the heat, show him where the coffee pot, cups and kitchen stuff was and said, "Please tell him to help himself to whatever he needs." And I left for work -- not really understanding just who was to be my guest. Hence my first guest came the first week I was here, someone I've never met and still haven't met, except for a note left on my table, something to the effect of, "Thank you for letting me use your home." There was also something about the comfortable working space and "And thank you for letting me use your coffee mug." Somehow he DID understand that I really did want him to feel at home, and welcome. So Anna Maria must have communicated my desires very well.
Except for the note, however, I'd have never known he was here. He returned everything to its proper place and was a respectful, gracious guest. After checking Steven's blog tonight though, I came to understand a bit more about that guest. Steven wrote, "Singer, musician, and designer,
David Stith, . . . came to visit (our home) . . . .David asked me to create some publicity photos for his new album (to be released on Sufjan Steven's label
Asthmatic Kitty)."
Below is one of Steven's photos...and now I'll have to see if I can get a copy of his CD.

Since Dave came, I've had other guests. My daughter and her family, and a couple friends. I hope that they are just the beginning of a steady stream. Home just isn't home, unless it's a place where people gather.
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