After we had visited a bit in my apartment, and drank lots of Gatorade and water, Geoffrey whispered something to his wife and then left. I didn't think much of it till he came back about 30 minutes later carrying an air conditioner through the door. He had walked down to the neighborhood hardware store and found the only remaining unit in the store. He told the guy, "I tell you what. I'll buy this if you'll give me a ride back to the apartment" (about three blocks, if I have the right store). And the guy did! That's a "small" town for you! And then he immediately went to work installing it, with Anna Maria and Stephanie's help. (Not knowing what Geoffrey was up to, Steven had taken off on a little adventure of his own and returned just as the air conditioning project was nearing completion, so he didn't get in on this action).
In the above photo, that's Geoffrey (foreground) reading instructions for the air conditioning remote. He also programmed it for me! Stephanie read the actual air conditioner instructions. In the back, with their backs to us, Anna Maria and Catherine (Stephanie's mom) put in the final screws attaching the wings and frame of the air conditioner to the window.

A MUCH cooler bedroom. It was in the high 90s in Staunton last week, 99 degrees in fact on Wednesday night. My 2d story apartment, in spite of the thick brick walls, got pretty warm. I had actually been out looking for something on my own on Thursday evening when the "check engine" light came on in my car and I had to give up.
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