On Saturday morning, I took a photo of my car -- post Friday evening deer encounter. I came around a tight S-cure in the Alleghenies of PA (on 522, looking for 22) and saw a deer. I think it hit before I even had a chance to hit the brakes. The shoulder wasn't wide enough to park on, the weeds higher than tires, and it was too dark to see anything. So I took a quick look immediately after the hit, but then drove on -- fearing a car would hit the rear if I spent too long looking. I stopped again in a poorly lit gas station, but didn't really see anything much there either. A car driving by immediately after the hit said the deer had kept running into the trees. So I opted to not even bother reporting...But the next morning, when I saw the light askew and the dents, I wondered about the wisdom of that decision. It's "fixed" now; Nelson wired the light into place with a a coat hanger I found in my back seat.

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