Thursday, May 19, 2011

The Limited View of "Either-Or"

This morning's goal was a five mile run in preparation for a planned five miler in July. But my stomach was queasy and my body tired.

"Should I do five today or settle for my usual three?" I thought as I lumbered off.

A similar mindset of "either-or" thinking had nearly crippled Tuesday's thinking process. I had tied my running shoes, gulped some water, but then opened the front door to a thunder storm. I will run in rain or snow, but not a lightening storm. I sat down in my easy chair and tried to settle into a book on torts, preparing for next term's classes. But the previous day had not met my standards for success. Now frustrated energy blocked concentration. Spaghettied thoughts refused to untangle.

"How I needed today's run," I thought.

And then I remembered my jump rope. The decision to be made was not "to run or not to run". Instead the decision to be made was how to reign in wasted energy so effectiveness could return. So I jumped rope inside, curtailed the fidgets, then quietly sat down to concentrated study.

The lesson applied to this morning's run as well. The question needn't be limited to a choice between three miles and five. A better question was how to make today's run an effective means toward that upcoming five mile race goal--another way, a third choice.

The Third Way Cafe' in Harrisonburg is so named for three reasons:

  • We hope it sounds inviting to anyone exploring things that are different
  • Many times we think there are only two choices or options when actually there is a third or alternate way between two choices
  • It reflects the fact that Mennonites and Anabaptists are somewhere between Catholic and Protestant on many theology issues--a third way.

A third way. . .not either-or, but the courage to re-write the questions and issues in such a way as to invite, entertain, and explore other alternatives. Today that third way was a four-mile run.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Sweet Victory

Last week as Magdalena and I snuggled up to tackle homework, she suddenly looked up at me.
"Grammie, I keep forgetting to tell you something. . .I made 100 miles."
So now both girls have reached their 100 mile by the end of the school year goals! And there's still another month left of school.
And now that they are wearing shorts, I can see that their beginning of the school year coltish legs have turned strong and muscular. Not wanting them to lose any of that development, I asked about their summer goals.
"I don't real like competing," Eliza said.
So races aren't on her to do list.
"What about running at all?" I asked. "Still want to do some of that?"
Yes, most definitely.
"I have an idea. What about running the trail at the campground when we camp?"
One vote in favor (Eliza); one vote against (Magdalena). For Eliza and me, running has been added to the list. For Magdalena, there's playground time. For all of us, there's swimming. Oh and to get it all in, camping trips are tentatively extended to two day events--pending approval from Momma and Daddy.