Butch and I are headed east -- first to Antietam for a five mile race tomorrow (Saturday). We're both hoping for a good finish, but facing reality as well. His calf is bothering him and I'm still struggling just to do three miles. Even a minor bout of pneumonia knocks the wind out of you -- literally!
After the race we're going to tour Jamestown, Yorktown, Williamsburg and Virginia Beach where we plan to do a little sight seeing, but mostly relax, rest and recover. I am so very tired.
We'll return in time for me to attend a meeting on Thursday, the official start of a new term at school. I'm not feeling prepared for that either as I'm teaching seven classes this term. I don't even have the books for one class yet, although that should be the easiest of the seven to teach. I have taught the class several times before; I'll just most likely be using new books. I have read all the other texts except for a criminal law class, which I'm taking with me. I should be able to finish it before Monday, the first day of class.
So prepared or not, the next term will come. And I wonder if a person ever really feels adequately prepared for the next project, term, responsibility? I think not. I think that's where faith comes in. We do all we can to keep some margin in our life and to prepare for tomorrow, but in reality we're never really prepared and have to just trust that everything will be okay somehow.