Saturday, November 13, 2010

116th Regiment 5K

I lean toward pacifism and, based on my understanding of the issues, don't agree with the present military efforts. Yet for the fourth year in a row, I ran this race for the benefit of the 116th Regiment, for the benefit of soldiers who are preparing for deployment soon. Hypocritical some might say. But pacifism is about more than just avoiding war; it is about peace making. And part of peace making requires accepting those with differing opinions, those who make choices contrary to mine.
I do respect the members of the 116th whom I have met. They manifest attributes which I, too, strive to exhibit. Professionalism. Diligence. Discipline. Focus. Teamwork.
Today I started out a bit too fast and, almost immediately, passed the men in the Color Guard. For the first mile, my lungs burned in the 23 degree temps. All I could think about was the pain. And then I heard the steady cadence of the men trying to run at a set pace while carrying flags. Have you ever tried running without moving your arms?
One's shoe came untied. Another soldier surged alongside as the flag bearers slowed their pace. In a synchronized movement, the flag exchanged hands. The flag never stopped.
I heard the soldiers sing and chant in their strong base voices. I, on the other hand, could barely breathe, let alone sing. I settled into a pace about 200 yards ahead of them and let the beat of their voices push me along. Motivation for the rest of the race.
I finished in 2d place for my age group. The color guard finished soon after -- to the cheers and clapping of finishers, me included, standing near the finish line. As it should be.

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